The Doyle School, 1931


From Left to Right:

Front Row: Howard James, Clifford Calcut, Harley James, Donald Cole, Howard Calcut, Donald Wilson, Grace James, Isabelle Cripps, Jean Cole, Shirley Cripps, Carrie Jacobs, Helen Cripps

Second Row: Fred Calcut, Torval Benson, Harold Wilson, Merle Gee, Alice Wilson, Emily Calcut, Lloyd Calcut, Raymond Cripps, Robert Huston

Third Row: Guelda Wiseman, Jeanne Beatty, Irene O’Neil, Abbie Wiseman, Chester Cole, Catherine Huston, William Scott

Back Row: Marie Reichle (Teacher), Frank Wiseman



Catherine Huston is my mother and Robert Huston is her brother, my uncle.  Harley and Grace James were the children of Jimmie James who married my grandmother in that year.  They are forever Uncle Harley and Aunt Grace, may they rest in peace.  I am amazed at how much detail in this photo comes out in the scanner.  My sister Chris’ older daughter Amber looks a lot like our mother in this photo when the full scan width is displayed.  Howard James was a cousin who was the son of Russell James, Jimmie James brother.  His wife Maidley watched my sister Kathy and me occasionally


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