Andrew Menary


Andrew Menary posed proudly beside the church he has served since it was built.  His name is on the original deed of the property, he helped with the construction of the building, and he has served on the board of trustees continuously since the first was appointed in 1912.  From his humble home across the road the well-worn path to the church is mute evidence of his devotion.  In his capacity as custodian there were times when he would carry an arm-load of kindling wood with him to start the fire early Sunday mornings.

As Sunday School secretary he derives much pleasure from the delighted responses of the children as he distributes weekly supplies.

Mr. Menary's eyes shine with amusement at the bungling efforts of a child who misses the plate with his church offering and the coin clatters across the floor, for he is also the one and only usher.

As the church treasurer, worry over lack of funds to pay the pastor's salary at times prompts Andrew to mildly voice his concerns to the Ladies Aid or the church board.

It is the prayer of all who know this fine man that his fifty-six years of service to the Spratt Methodist Church may go on for many more.


Note:  Mr. Menary died in the early 1970's, but his youthful face still looks out from the door of the church in the 1921 photo in the church link above.  The old church has since been moved to the Jesse Besser Museum in Alpena as described in the link above, and it has been replaced by a new building on M-65 about half a mile from the original site of the Spratt Methodist Church. - Nelson Herron, November, 2005.


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Note: This article was contained in the package of materials from my aunt Ardellia Herron's term paper for professor Dain's History 414 class in December, 1967.  

Note: the original paper is in the archives of the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University.  It may be referenced as:

Herron, Ardellia M., History of Spratt, 1967, Central Michigan University Student Term Papers, Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University.