The Doyle School, Spring, 1928


From Left to Right:

Front Row: Loretta Frazier, Fred Manning, Bill Scott, Frederick Calcut, Harry Cole, Guelda Wiseman, Kathleen Huston, Alice Manning, Irene O'Neil, Emily Calcut, Jean Beatty

Second Row: Chester Cole, Dorothy Spink, Mildred Cole, Alice Curtis, Eliza Manning, Abbie Wiseman, Seymour Walker

Back Row: Orlie Spink, Helen Stewart (Teacher), Caroline Curtis, Fay Beatty, Mary O'Neil, Frank Wiseman, Charles Cole



Catherine Huston is my mother. After 82 years she still recognizes everyone almost as quickly as you can point at them. Well, as quickly as you can point to them. I am quite a bit slower than you are or than I wuz. Emily Calcut was my mother's best friend when they were kids. I believe they still got together last summer (2009) when my mom stayed up at the farm for a couple of weeks. Emily married Roy Edmonds, and she was the mother of Jim Edmonds. Jim was a friend and one of my role models when I was about twelve. He could play ball better than I could.

Orlie Spink was a long-time school teacher. He taught at the Beaver Lake school. This school on M-65 is now a private residence.

Note the stylish sedan by the side of the building. The school is now a ruin. The main ridge beam fell in.


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