Photos and Resources of People Who Are Unknown
(At Least to Myself)
But Who Appear To Be of Significance to Hustons in Alpena
The photo on the left and the one on the right appear to be of the same person a few years later: one is from Alpena and one from Ashland, Wisconsin | |
The gent in the photograph on the left resembles the the fellow in the two photos above who is also the person on the right in the second photo on the right above, I believe. The guy on the left in the second photo also seems to resemble my uncle Robert Huston's oldest son Jim. It is possible that they are related to the McDades, Joseph Huston's wife's people. Because of the resemblance, the Alpena imprimature on the one photo, and the number of related photos, I believe that they are of Hustons or McDades. If anyone recognizes these faces, please e-mail me. | |
One of the Stratford, Ontario Hustons, I would guess from the Maitland, Market Square, Stratford, Ont. marking. On the back it says, "Compliments of R.J. Huston, Bay City Oct. 26, '89" | Another connection to the Stratford Hustons: My grandmother had a heavy card stock memorial card for Jane Thompson, wife of J.S. Huston, who was buried July 24th, 1889. |
Not sure who this is. It's a bit later than most of the others, I think, judging from the composition of the photo. My mom thinks it may be one of the Spens's (James (?)), but I'm not sure if the age is correct for him. As above, e-mail me if you recognize this guy. | This photo is marked Mr. Harry J. Casey, 119 Tuttle St., Alpena. I have no idea how he came to be in the photo collection, but he seems to have been a reasonably good friend of the Hustons, probably Joe and Annie, given the signature on the back. |
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