Francis Noble Herron and Ann Elizabeth Compeau
Francis Noble Herron was born June 26, 1868, and his middle name appears to have been been in honor of his parents' long-time friend, Noble Breckinreed. He married Ann Elizabeth Compeau on January 18, 1896. She was born on August 12, 1875 in Rochester, Essex, Ontario. She died Tuesday, Aust 1, 1944 in Wilson Township, Alpena County. Frank N. Herron died on Sunday, March 9, 1947 in Alpena General Hospital. They had no children on their own, but they raised a neighbor girl, Marie Rivard. Marie refers to Frank and Ann as her parents, and in many places (Ann's and Frank's obituaries, for instance) she is referred to as Marie Herron. Marie gave the following photographs at my own dad's funeral in 2006. I thought that was pretty nice of her.
A photo of Frank Herron in front of the van Nocker photo studio in a one horse carriage. He looks pretty scrawny for a lumberjack. He appears about as thin as my grandfather Frank did in his 70s.
A photo of a much of a much older Frank Herron. At least he's not driving a one horse cart, I suppose that means later. He looks like he's had a few squares in the interim. Anna must have been a good cook.
rank and Anna's grave in Holy Cross Cemetery, Alpena, MI.
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